Sunday, December 6, 2009

Some new concepts

Didn't get much coding done this week. However, I did make some significant progress on the game done in other areas. Specifically, I have revamped the damage system. Weapon morphs now come in three types: Physical, Acidic, and Degenerative. Carapace morphs also now come in three types: Armored, Healing, and Purity. Armored Carapace morphs only block physical weapons, Healing Carapace morphs only block Acidic weapons, and Purity Carapace morphs only block Degenerative weapons. (The names are not final, of course. I will take suggestions for changes.)

Units production has also been somewhat altered. Basic Warships with no morphs may be produced by any Warship equipped with a Genesis morph, as before. However, there is now another way to produce units: The Replication morph. A unit with a Replication morph can "clone" itself, creating another Warship with all the morphs it has (except the Replication  morph). You have to pay the Biomatter cost of all the morphs on the cloned ship, but there is a 10% discount. My thinking is to introduce a form of "classes" into the game, while still allowing free-form unit design. I feel that this will make the game more interesting. For example, suppose a player is reliant on a single Warship with a Replication morph for all his unit production. If that player's opponents are able to figure this out, they can find a strategy that counters this one unit, and by extension the first player's whole fleet, resulting in much lulz and gg.

Now for a total change of topic. If anyone is actually reading this, I'm sure you're wondering how game development is going, so I'll tell you. Currently, I have the GUI and order system coded. You can't morph ships yet and I haven't even downloaded a multiplayer library, and ships currently look like squares because I haven't gotten around to rendering the models. Still, it's going pretty well.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Started the blog

I have decided to start a blog about my RTS game, entitled Biophysics: The Shattered Universe. I'll be using this to let the world know about my weekly progress. Assuming, of course, that anyone cares. >.>

Now, you probably don't know anything about this project, so here's a copy-pasta from my thread about it on a forum:

Biophysics is an RTS game currently under development by me. It features organic starships, which you can morph in various ways to create new types of ships. There is only one basic type of unit: the Warship.

Morphing works as follows: You select the ship you want to morph, then select the morph you want to apply. Morphs come in four types: Weapons, Carapace, Expansions, and Specials. Weapons morphs give the ship another weapon, Carapace upgrades cause the ship to take less damage from each attack, and Expansion morphs allow the ship to equip more morphs. Expansion morphs have the secondary effect of raising the ship's HP and HP regeneration. Special morphs give the ship special abilities. Weapons morphs may then be morphed as well: You can give them more range, more damage, or a faster rate-of-fire. Each morph will visibly change the ship: Each time you morph a ship, the upgrade will rapidly grow out from a random point on the ship. (Well, not exactly "random", as that would sometimes lead to morphs colliding with each other or with the hull. >.> But you get the idea.)

The economy system works as follows: neutral Genesis Station units are placed on the map by the map-maker. They will spawn Biomatter Chunks over time. A Warship equipped with a Harvester morph may mine a Biomatter Chunk, giving you extra Biomatter. (Biomatter is the only resource in the game.) You also have a small timed Biomatter income, but most of your resources will come from mining. A Warship equipped with a Genesis morph may use harvested Biomatter to produce another Warship. Morphing units also costs Biomatter.

Well. Wish me luck. I hope to have a demo out by the end of the year but I doubt that'll happen.